Week two is here already! I’m enjoying this hybrid program of mine much more than I enjoyed Insanity and T25. (And again, I can’t say enough that they are great programs, they just weren’t for me!)


I really like having a three week schedule — you know what’s coming up, then on that fourth week, things change and then on the fifth week you have new rotation of workouts. I think it makes the time go by faster, for example, I only have to do Total Synergistics one more time!

Not that I’m sad about that, I really enjoy this workout. You do some push-ups, some pull-ups, some core and some legs and a little bit of arms thrown in for good measure. I guess that’s why it’s called Total Synergistics — everything is working together!

For today’s workout, I burned 381 calories in 33 minutes, I was in my fat burn zone for 13 minutes and my fitness zone for 19 minutes, with an average heart rate of 136bpm and a max of 164bpm.


I probably could have upped my weights on a few of them. In this workout, you only do curls for one move, but you have a lot of balance and/or squat moves that require you simply hold a weight while you perform them. For those, I should have upped. I guess I’ll know for next week.

Speaking of weights, I have upped my weight game. I bough a pair of 7olb PowerBlocks. They are adjustable from 5lbs to 70lbs and, if needed, I can buy an additional 20lbs of weight to make each 90lbs. I had been using a set of 25lbs adjustable dumbbells, but had really maxed out on a lot of the moves. I found these on brand new in the box on Craigslist for a great price and pounced! I was given permission on Father’s Day to buy them for myself for a gift, so I told my family that to show how much I appreciated the gift, I’d have to “Get Swole”, as the kids say.


Tomorrow is Plyocide (death by jumping). I’m traveling, so I really doubt I’ll get it done in the morning, which  means I’ll have to get it done in the evening — I’m just not sure when I’ll have the time. I guess I’ll have to make the time and get rid of the excuses!

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